Friday 11 April 2014

GK Questions for PA/SA Exam

1) Which is the smallest ocean in the world?- Arctic Ocean

2) What line connects the points on a map that receive equal amounts of rainfall ? - Isohyet

3) To preserve the filaments at high temprature, which gas is filled in the electric bulbs ?- Argon

4) On 16 June 1963, who became the first woman in the world to go into space ? - Valentina Tereshkova

5) In which city in Maharashtra is the 'Chaitya Bhoomi', the cremation site of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, located ?- Mumbai

6) Which hormone, released when danger threatens, is known as Emergency hormone ? - Adrenaline

7) Which Central American country was formerly known as 'British Honduras' ? - Belize

8) Washington D.C., the capital of United States of America, is located on the banks of which river ? - Potomac

9) On 18 March 1965, who became the first human to walk in the space ? - Alexey Leonov

10) In addition to five permanemt members, how many non-permanent members does UN Security Council have ?- 10

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